"Just get over it." "Oh, it's not that bad."

How many times have you heard statements like these from others? I will share that when I have heard these types of statements said to me when I was in a space of overwhelm, overload, depression, or just not feeling so great, it was triggering. Which informs me that I have inner work to do around what triggers me, so I try to pause, reflect, & become curious about why I feel the way I do.

I have always been a deep feeler. Growing up, my family would call me "too sensitive" or "difficult" even, but I didn't see myself that way. I was just me and when big feelings & emotions came up, I wasn't able to push them aside very easily.

So often we do not share with others our deeper emotions and feelings, whether it be out of fear or simply because we don't know how to. I personally wasn't taught to feel & process my emotions in a healthy way as a child. I was taught to put on a happy face & continue on, pretty much ignoring whatever was going on within me & just keep going. I mean no offense to my parents or family in sharing any of this. I understand that my parents did their absolute best & I love them deeply. I also understand they were raised in a different time & space where certain things such as feelings and emotions weren't talked about. They received no tools for how to bring this kind of awareness and discussion into their parenting. It is no one's fault. But as I grew into adulthood, I got to a point where the putting on of the happy face mask or ignoring my feelings didn't work anymore.

You do it long enough & eventually you find yourself buried or drowning under all of the old feelings and emotions that were never allowed to surface while you tried to maintain the happy face, status quo.

And this is where the healing begins. . The awareness of what is. No longer running from or avoiding whatever is there, but the diving inward to see, feel & heal what has essentially just wanted to be seen, felt, processed, & released from the get go.

This is the work I offer to the world. The peeling back, the uncovering, the going into the shadows inside yourself to offer these spaces within you what they have needed from their very onset; awareness, understanding, love, compassion, permission to be felt and released; establishing healthy boundaries for yourself, and beginning again.

It is not easy. It may feel intimidating, daunting, or downright scary. It is not how most of us were taught to operate, but it IS the healing that we are called to show up for now.

Let's begin the work. Let's clean out the closets of ourselves and bring more Light into our bodies and our beings. The time is now and we are all SO very worth it.✨




Healing the present & bettering our future by going to the past - Ancestral Lineage Healing
