Healing the present & bettering our future by going to the past - Ancestral Lineage Healing

How many of you resist what it is that you actually need for your soul's growth?

I have definitely been guilty of this!

I recently finished up a 4-month healing journey with @folkloreenergy (link below) and first, I want to celebrate the fact that I made it! There were moments in there where I wasn't sure if I believed in this work, that I could actually commit to it all fully, or if I'd come through it all ok, but alas, I did. And here I am on the other side in awe of all that I experienced while working and healing with my ancestors.

For better or worse, we are connected to our lineage ancestors in unseen ways. Ancestral Lineage Healing allows us to deconstruct the individualistic and isolating understandings that we have of ourselves and reminds us of our place within the larger web of those who came before us in our lineages. In going through this work, my life has shifted for the better and English words aren't adequate enough to show my appreciation.

I am forever grateful for Genevieve opening the doorway of ancestral healing to me about a year and a half ago now. True to my nature, I dabbled in it initially, but ultimately resisted the exact thing I needed on my healing journey for long enough to get so uncomfortable in myself that there was no way that I couldn't move forward with it.

I could never have done this alone. Genevieve offered me a framework to do this work. She helped me to connect with my ancestors in a safe, supported, and healthy way so I could establish a path of healing with them. When I began to realize that some of the distortions and fragmentations that I carried within myself weren't all mine, it was liberating to know I could go to the source of these issues at the ancestral level and begin to heal them at their root. It all makes me smile now as I think back on why I created 'Roots to Wellness Healing' in the first place. My entire aim was to assist others with getting to the root cause and healing from that space. My aim is still the same. I've just gathered many more powerful tools to do this work through ancestral healing and the gifts that my ancestors have shared with me.

That said, my healing journeys always act as apprenticeships for me. I am an experiential learner, so I learn as I go along all that I need to, to incorporate what is necessary into the healing work that I offer the world. That's the beauty of all of this work. It's learnable! And we need more people who are willing to heal from, and learn from these ways, for their personal wellbeing and the wellbeing of their families, our communities, and our world.

I've incorporated Ancestral Lineage Healing into my repertoire for those who desire to heal the trauma, distortions, and fragmentations within themselves and their families and establish a healthy way to relate to their ancestors, themselves, their living family members, and humanity as a whole. It feels as though this has been part of the Divine plan all along.

Healing the present and bettering our future by going to the past. It is powerful work and takes your commitment to the journey, but if I didn't believe in it, I wouldn't be offering it, so.... here I am.

I look forward to working with you if and when it calls.



And here’s a link to Genevieve’s website as well ✨ https://www.folkloreenergy.com

or you can find her on Instagram ✨ https://www.instagram.com/folklore_energy/


Change - the only constant in life, yet difficult to move through at times.
