Flipping the script from doubt and fear to faith and trust

How many times have you been tripped by thoughts of ‘I don’t know enough about that to share my perspective’ or ‘I don’t have enough experience to do that’ or ‘I am not worthy of doing something like that’ or ‘I am not ready’

The thought that has tried to trip me up over the years is:

Who am I to share these Divine healing gifts when I am just a simple, messy human trying her best?

And I’ve gotten caught in that and questioned myself many a time over the years. But if we aren’t willing to say yes to our many callings in life, how does that affect us and our world?

I was recently asked by a client how I came to understand and share the unique gifts that I have. I had to smile because the story is so relatable that I feel inclined to share it with you.

I first got into energy healing because I was unwell on every level of my being. I was fortunate enough to have friends who were practicing Reiki and Quantum Energetics at that time and they were kind enough to share those gifts with me. I began learning about my energetics and became attuned in Reiki as a path to heal. That was my goal, to heal myself. I never thought I would share it with anyone.

After moving to the La Crosse area, I shared Reiki with one friend who was having knee surgery. I offered her and her knee the extra love and healing energy that was needed one day and that was that. A few months later a local chiropractor called me up to ask if I would be willing to share Reiki with some of her clients that were expressing interest in this type of healing modality. I will never forget my immediate response. I kindly said, "I'm sorry, you have the wrong person. I don't do that." (meaning share it with others) And then I asked, "How did you get my name?" She gently replied, "I got your name from Sue and she said you are a Reiki practitioner and all of the clients that I am muscle testing are responding that you are the person they need to see for Reiki."

I paused. I knew about muscle testing from my experiences with my friend practicing Quantum Energetics. And knowing that the body never lies, I wondered, maybe I am the one to share this with these people? I told her I would meet with her and we could talk about it, but I was very hesitant to even do that much. I took some time to pray and I asked Spirit to make it clear if this was really what I am to be doing.

I couldn't get past the intense doubt of 'who am I to share this healing energy with others?' as I had just been through a major mental health crisis after my daughter was born and was only about 6 months post that whole experience. How was I someone who would be able to help another when I was just so newly back on my feet from helping myself through a very difficult phase?

Well, Spirit showed me sign after sign that yes, I was the one that was being asked to do this work. And I did eventually say yes to the chiropractor and agreed to share Reiki out of her office. I'll never forget the moments leading up to seeing my first client there. I was in such a state of doubt as I was setting up the room wondering what in the heck did I think I was doing? Who am I to be doing this? And right in that moment a powerful sign came through in the form of a penny on the floor. As I was reaching down to grab the plug for the music that I was going to play for the session, that penny spoke to me with the words 'In God We Trust'. I picked that penny up off the floor and looking up I humbly said, "I have no idea what I am doing, God. But if you want to use me as a vessel for your healing, your love, and your wisdom to come through to help and assist others, I am here to do that." And so, it began.

These past 7 years of sharing energy healing with so many has been nothing short of a miraculous and beautiful journey filled with many ups, downs, and immense healing and growth on all levels for both myself and all those that I have had the honor to work with. And I don’t know what’s coming next, but I do know that my statement still holds true, "I have no idea what I am doing, God. But if you want to use me as a vessel for your healing, your love, and your wisdom to come through to help and assist others, I am here to do that." And so it is.

What is Spirit leading you toward or asking of you right now? Do you trust it? Will you trust the journey that Love wants to take you on?

May we continually be inspired to choose faith over fear and trust over doubt, reframing the question of, "who am I to do this ....?" to "who am I not to?"




Messages From Spirit Come In Many Forms