A Day to Remember Our Ancestors

Today is All Soul's Day. This is a day that is celebrated far and wide by some Christian faiths, namely the Roman Catholic tradition. It is a day to remember those who came before us and have departed from their human form, but are celebrated in and of the spirit that they are. This practice of remembering and honoring those who came before us stems long before any religious holiday to do so, but in a way of honoring my ancestors who held and passed on their faith in Christianity to me, if felt appropriate to share this message on this celebrated holiday.

I appreciate this day of remembering and honoring those on the other side of the veil as a way of reminding myself of the everlasting connection that we have with one another. I remember the day that my father passed away, a little over twenty years ago now. After he took his last breath, we were able to spend some time with his body before the funeral director arrived. I went outside to allow them the space to do what they needed to do and as I sat there on my parents' front porch watching them place my father's body into the hearse and drive away, I knew he wasn't in there. Yes, his lifeless body was, his shell for his time on this earth was being transported to the funeral home, but I knew his spirit was elsewhere. I grew up in the Catholic faith and was told that when we die, we go to heaven. But where was that? What does that mean? I sat there for a long time wondering about where heaven was and if and how I could connect with my dad again. I knew in my bones my relationship with him was not over, but I just didn't know how to find him or where to even being looking, much less connect with him.

Over the years as I have evolved within my spiritual journey, I now know my father is right here with me. Aspects of him live on through me. That goes for my grandparents as well and those that came before them. We are all connected to those that came before us in our lineages and they are closer to us than we can truly comprehend within our human mind.

Their love, their teachings, their energy lives on within me and my siblings and our children and their children. Just as it should.

Wherever you find yourself on this All-Soul's Day, or any day for that matter, take a moment to connect with your deceased loved ones. Find a way to honor them and their spirit here on earth. Send them your love and be open to receiving theirs. Offer them forgiveness where it may be needed. Offer them freedom to move more fully into the light if you feel they are stuck. Offer them grace, compassion, and a prayer for their souls to be free. And then go ahead and offer yourself all of those things too.

Wishing you all a blessed day.

May love find you right where you are, today and always.



*If you find yourself unable to get to a place of peace with them or with yourself, reach out for assistance. This is the healing that is needed on the planet at this time. We heal for ourselves, yes, but we also heal for those who came before us, and those that come after. We are all connected, all One.


Messages From Spirit Come In Many Forms


Change - the only constant in life, yet difficult to move through at times.